Tom Radford Tom Radford


They come each night, they sneak, they crawl,

But none get past me, none at all!

They scratch, they whisper, they try to bite,

But I tell ‘em to fuck off—or else we’ll fight!

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More adventures
Tom Radford Tom Radford

More adventures

I’ve been writing. Some. Not great at updating websites, because reasons. But there’s a surprising amount of stuff that’s collecting dust and percolating in the canopic jars of my writing PC. Folders, if we’re being mundane. Some of it will likely never see the light of day, pushed down into the repressed recesses of the amaranth that is Caolle Kachura’s skeleton closet (ooh, easter eggs!) and others contain spoilers that may or may not come to pass. But I like a lot of it and it seems a shame not to post it, sometimes it inspires me to do more of the thing and that has to be good. So proceed at your own risk, or don’t. But since you’re already here…

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Tom Radford Tom Radford

The job crisis

Musings on job hunting during a cost of living crisis as your industry crashes down around you…

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Overthinking it
Tom Radford Tom Radford

Overthinking it

This is Caolle's curse, so impulsive, so thoughtless. But he's not. It's not that Caolle doesn't think about consequences, or repercussions. It's just the opposite, he considers an action and his mind spills out in innumerable possibilities, branches off in a hundred dizzying directions, and from there into a tangled web of forks and possibilities. Action upon actions. Consequences and repercussions piled on cause and effect. Enough to leave anyone paralysed into inaction. Or in Caolle's case, to act simply for the sake of acting.

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Tom Radford Tom Radford


On the cusp of enjoying family life as a new mother, Emma’s life takes a sudden turn after her husbands terminal cancer diagnosis.

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Social Responsibility
Tom Radford Tom Radford

Social Responsibility

‘You were horrible to me growing up.’

‘Lies. I adored you, making fun of you was just my way of showing it. Look how that turned out, what a strong minded, independent young woman you are. Free to adorn herself with whatever ghastly tattoos she sets her sights on.’

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Campfire Stories
Tom Radford Tom Radford

Campfire Stories

You go in expecting to earn a few honest dollars, next thing you know you’re neck to the jugular deep in your own twisted fairy tale because your employer is a vampire running his own summer blood camp and the week after that you’ve inherited unintentional guardianship of a dozen children in need of rehoming. Oh, and people who aren’t really people are trying to kill you. Vampires and faeries and monsters under the bed. I know, life is messed up.

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Investigation into the San Marseille Event
Tom Radford Tom Radford

Investigation into the San Marseille Event

As per your request we have begun our compilation into the research of the municipal commonly referred to as San Marseille, that being the city and immediate surrounding countryside. To the best of our knowledge and the available records, this is the first such undertaking.

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The Outskirts
Tom Radford Tom Radford

The Outskirts

This is bad. This is really bad.

I think I’m going to die out here.

Should have had that last drink…

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My name is Alice.
Tom Radford Tom Radford

My name is Alice.

My name is Alice.

There aren’t many things in this world I know to be true, but that much is. It’s the first thing written in my journal. The first line, on the first page.

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Superman and Lois, first ep. thoughts
Tom Radford Tom Radford

Superman and Lois, first ep. thoughts

After years of Marvel dominated superhero movies on the big screen, less successful DC attempts and some long running TV shows for both franchises, superhero fatigue could be starting to set in for most fans. The Arrowverse, launching with the surprise and mostly unheralded namesake hit Arrow has since spawned half a dozen spinoffs, culminating in the epic Crisis on Infinite Worlds crossover.

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The Bus
Tom Radford Tom Radford

The Bus

Warning: This post deals with suicide and dick pics.

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